Thursday, 3 January 2013

Event Planning Profile

Zack Steel - Festival Event Conference Management Professional - Event Planning Services Toronto. Planning of Exhibitions, Trade Shows, Conferences, Meetings and Fairs are among my specialties.
Please contact me for your event needs at If you have want to have an event in Toronto or the GTA, then I can help you to create it.

Event planning professional to create, design, promote and market your next event in Toronto and the GTA. I created two national events in Toronto at City Hall. One was titled the Newcomers Forum in 2007 and the Skilled Trades Forum for Women and Youth in 2008. In 2009, I created two events; The Family Law Forum and The Big Pitch Environmental Forum at the HP Science and Technology Centre. Since then created singles events, as well as other great events. In 2011, I created a marketing and sponsorship plan for the Canadian Yeshiva and Rabbinical School (now in Victoria College at the University of Toronto). During 2012, I created three great events for Maxi Mind Learning Centres; including excellent publicity campaigns and marketing plans for Maxi Mind Learning Centre. Please find information, photographs and articles on the links below and within the pages atop of the website in the page listed as Event Articles and Careers.

Please visit my website: for advice and information about event planning in the City of Toronto and the GTA.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Projects I worked on - In the Media

Thrifty in the City article

ADHD on Jerry Agar Show - News Talk Radio

Maxi Mind October 15th Event, Thornhill

'Coming of age’ for Canadian Jews: Jewish seminary set to open in Catholic institution

The Big Pitch Environmental Forum in Scarborough Mirror

Environmental Media Release on Canada Newswire, 2009

Women In Trades Forum at City Hall in Toronto, 2008

Newcomers Forum at City Hall in Toronto, Canada, 2007

Article on New Canadians, Toronto Jobs Newspaper, 2006 page4

Family Law Forum 2008 - Sponsored by B'nai Brith Canada and Garfin Zeidenberg LLP

Held at Glick Glickman Building - B'nai Brith Headquarters Toronto

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Guest Speak - Former Attorney General of Ontario - MPP - Chris Bentley

Topics Included:

Updates in Family Law 
Survival Strategies for Families Experiencing Divorce
Forensic Accounting Principles as they Related to Marriage 

Presenters Included: 

John Syrtash, LLB, Counsel to Garfin Zeidenberg LLP and acclaimed Family Law Lawyer &  Columnist
Dr. Graham Berman, Senior Psychiatrist & Child Custody / Access Assessor
David Colodny - Chartered Accountant - Forensic Fraud Examiner
Yvonne L. Bricks - Stepfamily Foundation Certified Coach


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Event Planning Services
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